Our Facebook page also boasts many more student-dog success stories.

Hi Kris,

I don’t know if y remember me, but you trained our three-legged lab Rusty about 15 years ago. We also trained him as a therapy dog with you. I wanted to touch base and let you know we had to say good-bye to Rusty this morning. You set a foundation for Rusty and us that gave us all a long and wonderful relationship with the best dog I’ve ever had. From a fearful and uncontrollable rescue dog who’d been abused and lost a leg, you helped bring Rusty back to the beautiful inner self of a fine lab. As you know he spent several years at the Jim Thorpe Rehab center, I also got him certified as a reading therapy dog and we spent several years in elementary schools working with some really great kids. He exhibited a tenderness and patience with everyone that was a joy to see. He embraced his purpose with a happiness most people could only dream of! I just wanted you to know how much your work with Rusty made a difference. Thank you.



Addie is a delightful “Doodle.” I’m betting this dog is just as happy with the results of her training – and increased interaction with her humans – as are the people within this family.

Hi Kris and Dennis

We wanted to give you an update on Addie. She is a NEW and REFORMED dog. She has been absolutely perfect this week. We are following all of your rules and instruction and she is minding perfectly. She still has her goofy and bit naughty personality but is 110% better. We keep her collar on all day until she goes to bed at nite. We have only had to use it on occasion. Mainly to stay on her rug but after 1 click she stays there nicely. She comes in every time when called from outside, sits at each thresh hold and stays until we tell her to go out. Sits until we put her food in her bowl. We are SOOOO happy with her out come. We actually can now enjoy having a dog instead of getting frustrated with her bad behavior. She is doing very well with short walks in the neighborhood only occasionally do I click her. We are going to try a longer walk today. THANK YOU. a million times over for helping us with Addie.

Molly is one of several “Doodles” to attend boarding school with us this year. Goldendoodles (which Molly is) and Labradoodles have become popular designer dogs and their behavior makes them VERY good for our program!

Hi Kris, Molly returned from your program a changed dog! I was worried that sending her away for training would “break her spirit,” but I need not have. She is the same, playful Golden Doodle that we sent to you, but with a huge bonus: SHE MINDS US! She no longer drags me along for a walk, or lunges at other dogs along the way. And you should see the amazement of my guests or repairmen when she is instructed to go “on her rug.” I no longer worry that she is going to bound toward a toddler and knock them over! As for the swimming pool, she only jumps in now when invited. Your obedience school was money well spent—it relieves the anxiety of both our family and Molly, as now she understands what is expected of her.

Kristin and Jeff


From the family of Skippy and Bear, after these little dogs attended a 3-week boarding school program together.

The transformation that has taken place in Skippy and Bear is absolutely amazing! They are like totally different dogs. I’m happy, my husband’s happy, the dogs are MUCH happier. They actually listen and we have no potty training issues. (We’ve not used a single puppy training pad!) The rug and the collars are such fantastic tools! Their rug and crate are in the living room so they are always with the family, never locked away in the bathroom. We don’t have to worry about them jumping on people anymore. Even when we go outside it doesn’t matter that we have no fence they stay close by and come when called. We are so grateful for you and husband and for the training our dogs and our family received from American Dog Obedience Center. We truly just can’t thank you enough! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You guys are absolutely the best!


From Brian and Kathy, whose Bumper attended American Dog Obedience Center’s 3-week boarding school program:

Dear Kris & Dennis,

Miss Bumper is dong fine. She listens to Kathy, which is rare since all our past dogs would go crazy whenever I left the house. She’s staying close and listens to our commands. I feel better now more than ever to leave my dog alone with Kathy. I’ve even started riding a mountain bike and she just runs along beside just as if I was walking her. Your school will be a must for all of our future 4 legged family members. Thanks for all that you’ve done and Bumper says HI!

Brian & Kathy


From Stan, who drove in from out-of-state to have his dog attend a 3-week program at American Dog Obedience Center:

Hi Kris,

I can’t thank you enough for the work you must have put in with little Buster & also us. Buster was easier I’m sure.

Since we have returned home, I couldn’t ask for a better more behaved little boy. In the beginning there were a few TAPS until he understood that his behavior modifications were to continue in his home surroundings. It has all gone very well.

He always comes when called and sets to my left if I want him to. He has learned what his boundaries are with the yard and doesn’t head across the street anymore. I accomplished this by giving a few taps when he got near the street and didn’t say anything, he returned to center yard.

I am so glad you told me about the threshold training and demonstrated how to do it. I worked with Buster for a day and he had it down. Whenever we are going outside I now make him sit and stay until I get outside and I tell him OK and he comes out. What a pleasure it is not to have him charge out and run to who knows where. He generally stays within 20 ft. of me and it isn’t necessary to give any commands.

Once we had the threshold down for the house I went to work on the motorhome. It required no training at all. When I go to the door I simply say “sit” and “stay” and he remains in place until I’m outside and give him the OK. What a relief it is, not to have the worry of him charging out.

Greeting guests at the door took a few taps the first time but now he just goes to the door when people arrive and sits until they acknowledge or pet him. He doesn’t jump on people. He also behaves the same way when he visits in their home.

His magic carpet is great. He knows to stay on it when placed there and doesn’t appear to be bothered about it. I have it in a place where he can observe what is going on but is out of the way. I tried it yesterday when the neighbors visited with their dog who is Busters best friend. The dogs got very noisy playing and running around so I sent Buster to his rug and he remained there even when the other dog went over to him. Very impressive.

I can’t thank you enough for all you have done with my little guy. He knows what is expected of him and he likes to please and do what is expected. I really believe he is a much happier dog than he was before his training. His little tail never stops wiggling.

Again Thanks,


From Deb, a client who trained her dog through private lessons with Kris Butler at American Dog Obedience Center:

I found myself in need of a reputable trainer for me and my Giant Schnauzer, Rhett. Kris came highly recommended from Rhett’s breeder. I went to her website, contacted her, and was pleasantly surprised from our initial conversation.

I found a person who was professional on every level. Personable to Rhett’s and my needs. Knowledgeable, not only of how to teach owners and their pets to respond to each other and their environment, but to give them lasting enjoyment and satisfaction from their relationships.

I was apprehensive at first about using an e-collar. Our first lesson was to learn to use the collar correctly. When Rhett and I left that day I really felt that both he and I had accomplished a great task. We walked together side by side, a proud mom walking her beautiful baby boy. We left every lesson with a feeling of pride in accomplishing set goals and tasks. I was so excited about our lessons everyone I work with always knew and asked about our lessons, and how we did.

I highly recommend Kris Butler, her training philosophy, and her excellent ability to provide a quality service to her students whether they be two-legged or four-legged.



This arrived from Mac’s family, after Mac’s 3-week boarding school program at American Dog Obedience Center:

Hi Kris,
I’ve told so many clients about how wonderful Mac is and all about his “bootcamp” as I call it. Mac is still very much Mac and if he thinks he might be able to pull it off, well, he has to at least give it a shot. We’ve been vigilant in our continued training though so most of the time it only takes 1 or 2 corrections for him to decide it just isn’t worth it anymore.
We are a bike riding family and Mac can now go with us on our bike rides. It has been a great way to drain his energy and help him shed some extra pounds!
I have recommended you to several people with unruly dogs that are dominating their lives and I have a neighbor that just brought home a chocolate lab puppy……….

I can’t believe in 3 weeks you could undo all the bad habits we had taught him in the last 10 months. Thank you very much for everything. We are coming upon the season of festivals and look forward to being able to have our dog with us. You have changed our lives and his.

Thank you again!
The L_____ Family


Due to her behavior prior to training, Mandy was strictly an outside dog. But not now…

Mandy has been home for two weeks now. She gets more obedient with each
passing day. Practicing her training has become second nature to us.
Its hard to believe you sent home the same dog we brought to you.
She’s still loving, but in a more acceptable manner
(no more jumping up). We rely on the collar less and less as the days
pass by.

Thank you for making our family friend a welcome part of our indoor
world; something we couldn’t dream of before the training.

Anyone who is frustrated by their dog’s behavior and wants to have a
friend instead of a chore, should seriously consider your program.


Ron and Ramona S.
Oklahoma City, OK


Clyde was adopted about a year after Bumper, and attended training when he was 5 months old.

So nice, we used you twice!

Thanks Dennis & Kris for schooling our Clyde. He’s a well behaved dog now just like Bumper.

Brian & Kathy


Sonar’s family really appreciated his NEW behaviors!

Sonar is a new dog! We are forever grateful!
He is slowly trying all his old tricks and quickly learning we will no longer put up with those behaviors. He only tries them a couple of times then thinks about it and turns away the next time.
Yesterday we kept our granddaughter for a couple of hours. I sat on the floor with her, invited Sonar over, he sat and allowed her to stroke him and did not attempt to touch her. When our daughter and son-in-law came back, they watched in amazement while Sonar sat on his rug and waited to be invited to sit at their feet. They say he is a totally different dog and are no longer afraid for M____ to be here around him.
Wiggles and love from Sonar
and us too


Daphne’s family drove in from out-of-town so that she could attend our 3-week vacation boarding school. Sounds like things are going nicely back at home!

Hello Kris — I just wanted to drop you a few lines about Daphne. She is PERFECT!!!! She has not pooped one time in the house since we brought her home a week ago. She puddles every now and then, but only when she gets excited. She still requires a few reminders about sitting before jumping on the sofa, but all in all she does sit. She obeys her commands very well. She and I go walking every morning every evening ( this is usually when she poops). She is a totally different dog. Also, the “magic carpet” works great! Thank you so much for all you did for Daphne. I tell everyone where she went to obedience school. Again, thank you; Harvey and I couldn’t be happier.